ACTS Curriculum

Habakkuk 2:2 “Write down what I show you. Write it clearly on a sign so that the message will be easy to read. (Easy to Read Version)”

 ACTS Books

When you come bring the cloak which I left at Troas with Carpus, and the books, especially the parchments. (2 Timothy 4:13 NASB)

ACTS Booklets

 e-Messages — Side by Side

ACTS publishes a monthly e-Message called Side by Side to encourage church planters and pastoral leaders. Side by Side deals with exposition of Scriptures and relevant ministry topics.

Burmese Translations

Burmese Edition

Burmese translations of Dr. Alvin Low’s books are available from Christian Literature & Translation Ministry, ABV Bookstore, Yangon, Myanmar.

09-400305719, 09-424163619, 09-421095608,
