ACTS Global Faculty
So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ. (Ephesians 4:11-13)
Marli K.
Marli graduated from Talbot Theological Seminary with a Master’s degree in Systematic Theology and is presently a PhD candidate at South Africa Theological Seminary. She has ministered to international students and provided Bible training in the United States, the Middle East, Russia, Eastern Europe and Asia. She has helped establish and direct ministry training programs for internationals as well as for the churches in her own city. Her passion is teaching the Word of God. Marli is serving as a Director for ACTS International over the work in several countries in Asia.
Rick & Li Lin Rood
Rick Rood has served as a hospital chaplain with Healthcare Chaplains Ministry Association since 1996. He served two hospitals in Dallas, TX until 2019, when Rick and Li Lin moved to Seattle WA, where he is serving as chaplain at a hospital in that city. In the past he served as the director of publications for Probe Ministries, in a ministry with International Students, Inc., as an Associate Professor for Field Education with Dallas Theological Seminary, and as pastor of a church in the Seattle area. Rick received his B.A. degree in history from Seattle Pacific University in 1972, his Th.M. in Old Testament from Dallas Seminary in 1976, and he also completed work toward the PhD in theology from Dallas Seminary (all but dissertation). As a professor with ACTS International, Rick is teaching theological, biblical and counseling courses with the ACTS Institutes. Rick cared for his wife Polly during her twenty-year journey with a neurodegenerative illness until her home-going in 2003. Rick wrote about that journey in his book, Our Story . . . His Story: One Couple' Encounter with the Grace of God in the Crucible of Affliction (Xulon Press). They have two adult children -- Jeff and Jill. Rick also wrote A Day in the Life of a Chaplain: Bringing Grace and Hope to Hurting People (Resource Publications).
Rick and his wife Li Lin were married October 20, 2012. Li Lin served for many years as secretary at a church in Taipei until moving to the U.S. after marrying Rick. They now reside in the Seattle area.
Dr. David Howard, Jr.
Dr. David Howard, Jr. is Professor of Old Testament at Bethel Seminary in St. Paul, Minnesota. He grew up in Costa Rica and Colombia, son of missionary parents, and he has also taught at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, and the New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary.
His publications include numerous journal articles, book chapters, encyclopedia essays, and book reviews. He is the author or editor of 13 books, including three on the Psalms, The Structure of Psalms 93-100 (1997); “My Words Are Lovely”: Studies in the Rhetoric of the Psalms; The Psalms: Language for all Seasons of the Soul (2013), and several on OT narrative texts: An Introduction to the Old Testament Historical Books (1993); Joshua (New American Commentary; 1998); and Giving the Sense: Understanding and Using Old Testament Historical Texts (2003). He is also the series editor for the Handbooks for Old Testament Exegesis (HOTE) series (six volumes).
Dr. Howard has served on the translation committees for three Bible versions: New Living Translation (1996); English Standard Version (2001); and the Holman Christian Standard Bible (2004). He also has written notes for three study Bibles: The Nelson Study Bible: NKJV (1997: Joshua-Judges); English Standard Version Study Bible (2008: Judges); and Zondervan NIV Study Bible (2015: Psalms).
He is a member of the Evangelical Theological Society, the Institute for Biblical Research, and the Society of Biblical Literature. He served as Book Review Editor for the Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society, and was elected to the ETS Executive Committee in 2000-2007, serving as president of the Society in 2003.
He and his wife Jan have two married daughters and four grandchildren.
Jack N.
Jack received his Bachelor of Science degree from Liberty University, his Master of Arts in Biblical Studies from Dallas Theological Seminary, and he currently serves as a pastor on staff with a church in eastern United States. Having been introduced to ACTS International while a student of Dr. Low’s at Dallas, Jack developed a passion for reaching the unreached. Jack soon traveled to south Asia to teach at some ACTS Institutes, which is where his love for the pastors and leaders on the front lines of unreached people groups cemented his relationship with ACTS. He currently serves as a regional director in south Asia. Jack is married and has five children and four grandchildren.
Dr. Henry Johnson
Dr. Johnson is a graduate of Dallas Theological Seminary, holding both his ThM and DMin from Dallas. He is the President and founder of Aaron’s Palm, a ministry that seeks to bring biblical help and hope to God’s leaders around the world. His ministry is focused on equipping ministry leaders in the areas of leader formation, theological training, expository preaching, and biblical counseling. Henry is a biblical counselor, certified by Association of Certified Biblical Counselors. He and his wife Cyndee serve leaders as well by one-on-one counseling that addresses the struggles ministry leader encounter. Cyndee had also done graduate work at Dallas and completed training in biblical counseling. The ministry of Aaron’s Palm comes along side God’s servants in the same way Aaron came alongside Moses in the heat of battle. God’s leaders face unprecedented challenges in fulfilling God’s call upon their lives. He and Cyndee count it all joy to serve God’s servants amid the realities of ministry.
Dr. & Mrs. Wilson Phang
Wilson grew up in Southeast Asia and came to the USA to attend Biola University, San Francisco State University (MSW Clinical Social Work), Multnomah University (MA in Pastoral/Family Ministry, D.Min. in Missional Leadership) and Trinity Theological Seminary (Ph.D. in Counseling). Initially, he practiced as a Psychiatric Therapist for about 13 years. He also served in the military in the Behavioral Science unit. Since 1997, he has been in full-time ministry as an educator, crisis responder and care provider to those serving in ministry full-time. His heart has been for the people of Asia, especially those in Southeast Asia. He is fluent in several Asian languages and enjoys the people there.
Wilson has completed graduate studies in Psychology, Clinical Social Work, Pastoral / Family Ministry, Biblical Counseling and Missional Leadership. He is called to providing counseling, and training in counseling and missions.
Wilson is married to Esther, and they have 3 grown children. They are empty nesters, but enjoy visits with their children.